Maybe it's sound silly, but i always forget my own website address. It’s same like i always forget my TV channel number - that is why i never type numbers; i only push up/down the channel button. Sometimes that makes my hubby crazy.. "How can you push that down button?! You know that's the last channel and there are no other channels after. You have been with this TV for more than two months and still don't know?" and i would go like: "he he he...." and that's not it.. this happen also with other numbers or names (i hardly remember a new name), maybe i've lost that part on my brain. once i met one magazine marketing, he presented his product at my office and i need to ask his name for more than five times during our 45 minutes conversation. T____T
So this morning when I want to visit my own blog, I should search it at google. Usually I type “blogspot” or “blogger” and still confuse with those, but to day I type “grayelephant”. Instead enter my blog’s name, I attached by the suggestions words “gray elephant song”. And look what I found:
"A great grey elephant, a little yellow bee, a tiny purple violet, a tall green tree, a red and white sailboat, on a blue sea: all these things You gave to me, when You made my eyes to see. All these things You gave to me, thank you God -- Amen."
they had brighten up my day!! *luv it
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