Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

best friends

clara oktarina

I would like to introduce you a young, passionate and a very talented artist. Born in October 1989, her name is Clara Oktarina. I met her sometime in 2008 in a religious class at Shekinah. First impression that I have for her was an uncommunicative but a nice and polite person. She listen a lot, humble, act carefully but with a lot of care. Moreover, I've noticed she is a sensitive person and also has a big sens of art. We've been together in the same class for one year - if i'm not mistaken... (fyi: I have a short term memory T___T).
Meet her would be a great opportunity to make a relationship with - what I called "a soon to be a great artis".
View her artworks, and you will agree with what I'm saying!

Copied from her favorite quotes:

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it was, and always will be yours. If it never returns, it was never yours to begin with. (anonymous)

there is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. (r buckminster fuller)

wherever you go, go with all your heart. (confusius)

it is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing that matters. (mother theresa)

you can't rush perfection!!! (spongebob)
<--- so damn agree!!

I have been a knowledgeably (read: sok-tahu) person to put a value for her from quotes above; because I believe someone will not put quotes as their favorite if it never touch his/her heart. I think these quotes have been her lights to live her life because I see these quotes have been applied already to her daily behavior.
Well, to day is her birthday, so I would like to say: Happy Birthday Aya! :) keep on those good work & be more creative.

ps: She has just started her personal blog... so check it out, and maybe you'll get inspired!

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

nyanyian pantai - cover book

This is my  first cover book project for one of my talented friends, Eref Leo. When he asked me to made this special project, I was very excited. Actually it was more a combinations between very excited and very confused since He gave me a total freedom to make it. So then, for a source of inspiration, I made a concept from one of his poems, which at the end was written in the cover. Can you see it clearly from the image? It was written in Bahasa Indonesia and he didn't make the English version. But if I have an honour to translate it, maybe that will goes like this (forgive me for my poor English, Mas):

Loving you,
as if the ocean's movement
never stop, not know worry
in my surge lays your soul

at the bottom of my soul far beyond my spirit's niche
one name has graven
i want to be with you

consume our love with no interlude!

Well, as you can see below, the author has just shown up and kindly give enlightment to the translation, so here is the proper one:
Ocean Without A Pause 

loving thou 
just like the move of ocean blue 
tired does not know can never stop 
adhere your soul in my ardour 

far in the recesses deep in my soul 
there only one name asleep and fold 
i just want to be with you
a think that always thou

drank our love like a pair of dove
along the ocean without a pause

This poem was dedicated to his beloved wife, who has been together with him for 16 years. Wow! such a man! I believe whoever get this kind of treatment couldn't help to feel flattered. So if you like this poem, you can take a peek at nyanyian-pantai. And once you fall in love with the glimpse,buy it!

viva la poésie!

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

dan masih saja kudapati
dindingdinding beku yang berdarah
ketika sekatsekat memori tentang mu tersingkap
padahal sudah setahun berlalu

setiap kali, masih saja terasa
serpihanserpihan luka yang pecah.
dan setiap kali juga ketika ia menguap
yang tertinggal adalah pedih

mengengenalmu namun ternyata tak mengenal
melupakanmu namun ternyata selalu mengingat
pergi darimu namun ternyata jarak hanya sedepa
membencimu namun ternyata terlalu mencinta

aku terlalu jauh, katamu aku pergi
tetapi aku terlalu lekat, sampai kau tak melihat

*after all this time... I still love you evenmore...

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Gray Elle

Maybe it's sound silly, but i always forget my own website address. It’s same like i always forget my TV channel number - that is why i never type numbers; i only push up/down the channel button. Sometimes that makes my hubby crazy.. "How can you push that down button?! You know that's the last channel and there are no other channels after. You have been with this TV for more than two months and still don't know?" and i would go like: "he he he...." and that's not it.. this happen also with other numbers or names (i hardly remember a new name), maybe i've lost that part on my brain. once i met one magazine marketing, he presented his product at my office and i need to ask his name for more than five times during our 45 minutes conversation. T____T

So this morning when I want to visit my own blog, I should search it at google. Usually I type “blogspot” or “blogger” and still confuse with those, but to day I type “grayelephant”. Instead enter my blog’s name, I attached by the suggestions words “gray elephant song”. And look what I found:

Kids Prayer

"A great grey elephant, a little yellow bee, a tiny purple violet, a tall green tree, a red and white sailboat, on a blue sea: all these things You gave to me, when You made my eyes to see. All these things You gave to me, thank you God -- Amen."

they had brighten up my day!! *luv it

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

kado buat aurell

bungkus kado & bikin katu ucapan selalu menyenangkan. kado ini buat Aurell, anak nya boss yang ulang tahun ke 8 kemarin

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Ritual yang Terlewatkan

inilah yang terjadi di kantor saat pagi-pagi tidak melakukan ritual p*p. badan gak enak.. kapala nyut2... perut berasa aneh... gak bisa mikirrr T____t

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Geger Beach

~ bibir pantai arah utara ~

~ bibir pantai arah timur ~

Beberapa waktu belakangan ini saya dan suami sedang senang-senangnya mengunjungi pantai-pantai yang belum pernah kami kunjungi berdasarkan referensi dari teman atau hanya melihat peta bali saja. Selama ada jalan menuju pantai itu, kami yakin pasti bisa sampai. Hehehehe… Dan minggu ini kami memutuskan ke pantai bernama Geger. Dengan bermodalkan peta dan makanan kecil pergilah kami dari daerah tempat tinggal kami di sekitar benoa.

~ peta Geger Beach ~

Geger Beach terletak di nusadua.. dan agak terpencil. Untuk masuk ke pantai ini kita harus masuk ke daerah vila-vila besar yang masih banyak pohon rimbun di kiri dan kanan. Perjalanannya kira-kira memakan waktu sekitar 35 menit dari Bandara Ngurah Rai kalau lalulintas sedang tidak macet. Untuk masuk ke dalam area umum Geger, kami harus membayar retribusi sebesar Rp.5000.

Geger memang tidak sepopuler Kuta maupun Sanur. Tapi apa yang kami temukan di sana lebih menarik. Hamparan pasir yang mengundang untuk sekedar berjemur atau bermain, ombak di pantai yang tenang, karena ombak laut pecah cukup jauh dari bibir pantai. Mirip-mirip dengan sanur, tapi di sini lingkungannya lebih asri dan tidak terlalu ramai. Sepanjang bibir pantai banyak bangku-bangku pantai yang disewakan. Satu set payung dengan dua bangku dibandrol sebesar Rp 40.000. bisa di pakai sepuasnya kok… dan juga ada beberapa café yang menawarkan makanan-minuman dari yang ringan sampai yang berat. Untuk yang mau hemat, bisa memilih makanan kecil yang dijajakan oleh warung yang juga ada di sekitar pantai. Karena ini salah satu perjalanan hemat saya, maka saya memilih untuk membeli makanan dan minuman di warung kecil. 1,5 liter aqua besar plus 6 buah pisang goreng berhasil saya tukarkan dengan uang Rp 10.000 saja. Dahaga terpuaskan… perut juga kenyang. Hahahaha…

Aliran sungai yang harusnya bermuara di pantai Geger sudah di timbun, hal ini membuat air di pantai ini sejernih kristal dan memungkinkan pembudidayaan rumput laut musiman. Para petani rumput laut banyak memasang jarring dan tali-tali untuk rumput laut. sayangnya tali tersebut membuat kita kurang leluasa berenang. Tetapi dengan adanya jarring-jaring, laut menjadi bersih. Pagi ketika saya sampai, masih dapat kita temui nelayan-nelayan local yang sedang memancing kira-kira 4 meter dari bibir pantai.

Ketika matahari semakin tinggi, air laut mulai surut dan puncaknya dari jam 10.30 sampai 11.30 air laut akan surut sejauh ratusan meter, membuat kita dapat melihat dasar laut yang dipenuhi oleh jaring dan rumput laut. Pada waktu ini lah petani rumput laut akan turun ke pantai memanen hasil. Saya sempat mengobrol dengan salah seorang pekerja, dari beliaulah saya mendapatkan informasi bahwa rumput laut yang dikumpulkan akan di jual ke pengumpul Rp 12.000/kg yang selanjutnya akan di proses.

~ bibir pantai ketika air mulai surut ~

~ petani rumput laut ~

~ saya dan ibu pengumpul rumput laut dari jawa ~

Saat air laut surut adalah saat yang menyenangkan untuk berburu kerang dan berjalan mengitari bukit batu karang yang terputus jalannya apabila air sedang pasang. Gua-gua alami batu karang yang besar sangat memukau untuk di nikmati maupun dijadikan objek foto. Tekstur pasir di pantai ini merupakan campuran pasir merica dan pasir halus. Pasir merica ada di sepanjang bibir pantai, dan pasir halus ada di dalam laut dan gua. Banyak turis asing yang dating ke pantai ini membawa anak-anaknya dan membiarkan mereka bermain di pantai tanpa rasa khawatir. Juga ada turis-turis yang berjemur topless dikarenakan pantai canggu yang menghadap timur membuat matahari pagi bersinar di daerah ini.

~ bukit karang yang hanya bisa dilewati bila air surut *lovely ~

~ gaya dulu ^_* ~

~ the big cave ~

~ beautiful view from the cave ~

Setelah puas menyusuri bibir pantai yang menjorok ke laut, kami pun kembali ke bangku pantai ketika air mulai pasang. Menikmati sinar matahari & angin lembut sambil memikirkan tujuan selanjutnya minggu depan… 

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

menu project

organic salad with Japanese dressing

fresh oyster

grilled calamari


steam sunset clam

haiiiiiyyyyy how do you do...it's been so long since my last post.. well i got busy with my two new job as a half graphic designer and a half housewife. I usually work three days a week and for the days in between I do my homework.. when i said "homework" it's really home-work, ex: cleanup the room, wash the clothes, swiping, wash the dishes and the most i like is shopping for our household needs - i don't know why it always make me happy whereas i only buy boring stuff like soap, shampoo, sponge, cleaning mop and eatable stuff like tea, sugar, chocolate, snacks, juice or fruits - i think the pleasure of spending money is always feels good.. hahahaha.... doing these things alternately sometimes make me feel so tired & get bored... fortunately i can classified my husband as a handy husband.. because when he is in the mood, he will help me with those jobs, even the bathroom is his responsibility. so he will clean up the closet, wash the water tube and brush the floor.

So today is saturday and it should be my off day at the office, but unlike other Saturday, this morning i have a photo session at my office. i have menu project to be finished. hm... talking about photography... i have to admit it, i'm not really good at it. I'm not a professional photographer like a friend of mine, Fandi (come n look at his portfolio and you'll be amazed. not only a good photographer, he also a good designer).
Working with my workmate should be enjoyable. so above are some snapshots I've made - do not compare it to Fandi's porto ya!! >_<.... Look at the color... i forgot to adjust the white balance (*ouch!) and i don't have professional props - so i took the photos outdoor with white paper as the background... thanks God, the food's appearance is good that they help me to make it much beautiful. And thanks God there is a program called photoshop ^___0

Selasa, 19 April 2011


~ top view ~

~ look at the lamp ~

~ hills ~

~ details ~

~ theme park ~

~ pink mosque ~

~ department of justice building~

on the beginning of this year i had a chance to go to KL. i don't like to travel aboard actually. I'm more challenge to travel domestic. i think Indonesia has so many many places that aren't known well. :) to me it's true... maybe we hear so many problem in our country... corrupt governments, poverty, degradation of nationality, international labor issue and the latest the degradation of honesty. but all that problems cannot deny that Indonesia has so many beautiful places that has been known or has not discover. if only the government explore more deeper & develop the local tourism, i believe we can grow our income so we might solve few problems in our country.

anyway... discover other country also feels exciting, especially if you go there with friends. i like to admit few things that i really like from KL, despite their cheat habit :P
through all the place i've visited, the government really concern about the sanitation and the urban planning, they are proud & develop the tourism very well. they also has attention to the detail for the city, the buldings.. even at the smallest level like the design of the street lamp.

above are some photo shoots that i've taken. i hope you like it n give glimpse of KL for those who hasn't been there.

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

oh well

Sekarang udah dua minggu penuh saya ada di kota baru.. dengan kebiasaankebiasaan baru, rutinitas yang belom terbentuk... oh, well - mungkin rutinitas yang bernama tidur-bangun-makan-bosansampebego-makan-bosanlagi-makan-tidur bisa dikatakan rangkaian pola rutinitas juga. Dan setelah dua minggu, rasanya pola tersebut bikin saya tambah stress. Ke-stress-an ini buat saya berfikir, untuk orangorang tertentu, pastilah sangat mengguncangkan untuk melepaskan pegangan yang begitu pasti untuk meraih pegangan yang lain. And yes! I’m among them. Rasanya seperti bergelantungan di jurang dari satu tali ke tali yang lain. Ketika kita mau maju, tentunya kita harus mengayunkan diri kita dan melepaskan tali yang kita pegang untuk dapat memegang tali di depan kita. Dan tentunya saat yang paling mengerikan adalah ketika kita sesaat mengayun sepenuhnya di udara tanpa pegangan dan pijakan apapun.

Seharusnya ayunan ini gak lama, tapi don’t know why it feels like damn forever for me. Dua minggu yang penuh dengan perjuangan, rasanya semua terbalikbalik dan sangat melelahkan… it’s been more a torment than a challenge for me.

Sebenernya selama dua minggu ini saya coba menikmati hidup dengan meng-explore halhal baru. Pergi ketempat baru, nyobain makanan baru, ngobrol sama orang baru. But once again, I don’t know why it’s doesn’t enough.

Mungkin karena kesibukan saya yang super ketat di kota sebelumnya. Pekerjaan yang menyita banyak waktu dan energi yang sudah saya lakukan sedari muda (jiahhh… ngaku udah tua!) pergi pagi pulang malem… kerjaan itu benerbener jadi idup saya selama bertahuntahun.

Mungkin karena tementemen kuliahan yang selalu nyediain waktu untuk ketemuan ramerame dengan kegiatan berulang (makan ato karaoke, makan ato karaoke).

Mungkin karena pipi chubby keponakan dan mulutnya yang berbentuk segitiga pengaman.

Mungkin karena kebawelan enyak di rumah…

Ketiadaan itu semuamuanya bikin saya serasa kebakaran jenggot n it really feels deep into my core.

And for some new challenges:

  • to get used to living in a new neighborhood with their own habits
  • to try hard remember the streets & location so I won’t get lost
  • to try to survive with my own feet
  • to experience about marriage life & really live in it.
  • to get an answer for daily question: "what are you going to do today?"

I do need all the power in earth and heaven to number 4 (T______T)

i do miss everyone and everything at my previous city

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

good morning all! how are you today? let's start today with smile and an open heart to see all marvelous things around us. i start this day with a simple songs sung by whitney houston - one of my fave singer.

"I Look To You"

As I lay me down
Heaven hear me now
I’m lost without a cause
After giving it my all

Winter storms have come
And darkened my sun
After all that I’ve been through
Who on earth can I turn to?

I look to you,
I look to you
After all my strength is gone
In you I can be strong
I look to you,
I look to you
And when melodies are gone In you I hear a song
I look to you

Have to lose my breath
There's no fighting left
Sinking to rise no more
Searching for that open door

And every road that I've taken
Led to my regret
And I don't know if I'm go'n make it
Nothing to do but lift my head

My levees are broken
My walls are coming down on me
My rain is falling
Defeat is calling
I need you to set me free
Take me far away from the battle
I need you
Shine on me!

you can also download here:

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Kuta Beach

i'm at the beach again... spent holiday with my husband and my new friends... :) There are seven of us. three couples and one adorable baby... and yes! we are chinese, korean & indonesian... hahahaha.... the weather is just great! plus cold beer of course. many family bring their dogs and children to play. but i think there are too many people, so we can't have much privacy... i don't shoot much tempted with the ocean and the fun.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Bidadari Island

~ jakarta's night view from across ~

~ silent whisper ~

~ stillness of the dawn ~

~ night dock -

~ night view at the beach ~

on my birthday last year i had a chance to go Bidadari Island. it is an island resort nearby ancol. with my officemate, we went there by a small boat about 20 minutes from Marina Bay, Ancol. I spent 2 days 1 night at that resort and happy to had a photot hunting at night & dawn...
above are a few of my original -no edit snapshot. i hope you enjoy it...

Making my own strawberry jam (low calories one)


This Tuesday I made my first strawberry jam. It’s all beginning with an idea to make a healthy food for my husband. Well, everybody knows that I’m not good in the kitchen. I never cook, I mean really cook. Of course I’ve cooked some instant food like noodles, porridge, water, rice (with rice cooker of course) and some simple cah vegetables but for me that was not a really cooking. I even can’t remember the process if I should do it again… If you ask me to find a pan, I will lost in my mother’s kitchen. (ok.. I admitted it… that’s too much).
So a day before I was going out to Carrefour market and choose a box of fresh strawberry. Why strawberry? This is my first trial so I don’t want to mess up with awkward fruits. So I decided to a common fruits. Then I went to sugar shelf and find a low calories sugar and gelatin. This is how the process:
1. wash strawberries directly into a flow water
2. chops it into small pieces or you can blender it if you are lazy
3. add little water and start to cook it with a small fire
4. pour sugar as your wish
5. when the strawberries are smooth enough and the jam getting sticky add a little gelatin. The gelatin used to make the jam more solid when it’s cold
6. put the jam into a glass bottle, better with a stainless top and put it into refrigerator
it was so much fun to do. And the best thing is LOW CALORIES hahahahahahaha…. This home made jam don’t have a good color, if you want to make it more lovely seen you can pour a little food color. But for me it’s lovely enough because it’s low calories and of course no preservative. Hm… I don’t know how long this home made jam with low sugar calories can eat at the best condition, but if you used common kitchen sugar, it can last at least 6 months to one year.


Hello world! :) this is my first post. i could say that this is my own world... here in you can see a piece of me.. to know a bit of me. I'll write here both in English language and bahasa as i like, since my English isn't good enough. i hope i can practice with much fun. :)